Tenth Amendment Center: The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions: Offering a Pathway to a More Free Society
...from Tenth Amendment Center The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 offer us a pathway to a more free society. Fearing espionage from foreign powers and criticism of its foreign policy from U.S. citizens, President John Adams and the Federalist Congress passed what came to be known as the Alien and Sedition Acts during its Quasi War with France in 1798. The Alien Acts gave the federal government the authority to deport and imprison non-citizens in the United States that were viewed as dangerous to the republic. The Sedition Act outlawed any speech that criticized the actions of the President and Congress during wartime. Ironically, this set of laws designed to crack down on dissent spurred the authoring of two of the most powerful criticisms of centralized governmental power in U.S. history–the Kentucky Resolutions and the Virginia Resolutions of 1798.These Resolutions were authored in secret by founding fathers James Madison and Thomas Jefferson and were pass...