Tenth Amendment Center: Federal Agency Gets to Unconstitutionally Set Its Own Budget
...from Tenth Amendment Center A federal agency created under the Dodd-Frank Act unconstitutionally gets to determine its own budget. In 2010 the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was passed and signed into law. In our copy, the act has 833 pages. Portions starting on page 573 through almost create the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP). The bureau was created to operate with no presidentially appointed head. For that reason and many others, many people objected to its creation and function. But in a case with over 60 major plaintiffs, including14 states, a federal court found that none of the opponents of the BCFP had standing to make such claims. In summary, the court said that the bureau had not acted in ways the opponents disliked and there was no harm to actually or potentially remove; hence no standing to bring a case. (See State National Bank of Big Spring, et al. v. Lew , no. 12-01032, D.D.C, filed July 12, 2012). Thus, despite these obj...