

Tenth Amendment Center: Interview: Decentralizing for Freedom

...from Tenth Amendment Center

On June 23, I appeared on a Chattanooga, Tenn., radio show hosted by David Tullis to discuss how state and local action can move power away from Washington D.C. and ultimately lead to greater liberty.

We opened the discussion talking about the Tennessee legislature’s failure to follow through and start the process of creating a state bullion depository after unanimously approving the idea in a resolution during the 2016 session. I explained why a depository would be a step forward for sound money, and emphasized the importance of holding state legislator’s feet to the fire.

We then moved on to the issue of surveillance and talked about a recent ordinance passed in Nashville that takes the first step toward limiting the unchecked use of surveillance technologies that violate basic privacy rights and feed into a broader national surveillance state.

In the last few minutes of the show, I talked more generally about the importance of political decentralization.

“Essentially, people who want centralization in government – they’re arguing for monopoly…Why in the world do you want the federal government to be the only government? Why in the world do you want monopoly?”

Mike Maharrey
June 26, 2017 at 04:00PM

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