

Tenth Amendment Center: Activism 101 Podcast #1: What Do I Do?

...from Tenth Amendment Center

This is the first installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. As we update with new episodes, you’ll be able to access them HERE.

Have you ever witnessed some type of egregious government action right in your own community and wondered, “What do I do about it?”

I had this very experience when government surveillance cameras suddenly showed up at a park in my neighborhood. I was angry. I know I couldn’t just sit back and let the surveillance state take root in my own backyard. But despite my work with the TAC, I have no real experience in boot-on-the-ground community activism. Still, I knew I needed to do something.

So I did.

I also realized a lot of people end up paralyzed by the same question – I want to do something – but what?

As I write this, I’m still not completely sure what to do. But I’m going to figure it out. And I’m going to let you join me along the way through this podcast. Hopefully, at the end of the journey we’ll have a good step-by-step template for community action on just about any issue that anybody can follow!

Mike Maharrey
July 25, 2017 at 02:02PM

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