

Tenth Amendment Center: Activism 101 Podcast #10: Maximizing Social Media

...from Tenth Amendment Center

This is the 10th installment of a podcast following local activism efforts I am spearheading to address the surveillance state in Lexington, Ky. Through this series, you will get an inside look at boots-on-the-ground activism as it happens. The goal is to create a step-by-step how-to on tackling issues at the local level. You can access the other episodes HERE.

So, you’ve got a website for your activism campaign. And you have set up some social media platforms. Now what?

Social media is a powerful tool, but it will take more than just posting stuff and hoping for the best to get the best results. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram give you a way to specifically reach people who will be interested in your cause, but you need to have an intentional strategy.

In this episode of the Activism 101 podcast, I talk about some specific ways to maximize your social media reach. I also share one of my early campaign failures.

Mike Maharrey
August 29, 2017 at 11:37AM

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