Tenth Amendment Center: Constitution Essentials: The 14th Amendment and the “Incorporation Doctrine”
Originally recorded 11-24-2009:
Kevin Gutzman, best-selling author and expert on American Constitutional history, discusses the 14th Amendment and the Incorporation Doctrine, how the doctrine has given us government by judiciary instead of government by representation.
Also covered is the Due Process clause, Substantive Protections vs. Due Procedure, the original intent of the 14th Amendment, how the courts changed that meaning over the ensuing five decades, the Bill of Rights as a limitation on the power of Congress, how the incorporation doctrine has turned the principles of federalism on its head, representative government vs. government by “experts” Privileges or Immunities and The Slaughter-House Cases, rights of State citizenship, how James Madison warned that those in government would tend to use and expand power, some of the greatest violations of the Constitution under the doctrine of incorporation, why federalism and decentralization is a better system to secure liberty, and more.
Mentioned in this Show
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution
Virginia’s American Revolution
Michael Boldin
August 02, 2017 at 02:28PM