

Tenth Amendment Center: A Danger to Liberty: Both Democrats and Republicans

...from Tenth Amendment Center
We’re often told how much democrats hate the Founders. And generally that’s true, except when statements from the founders fit their policy objectives. They love the 10th Amendment when it comes to marijuana or sanctuary cities, for example.
But – the same problem happens with republicans. When we share advice from the Founders about staying out of foreign wars, or against spying, for example – we’ll get loads of feedback from republicans telling us how “things are different now.” Or how the “founders couldn’t have foreseen what we face today.” In short, they want us ignore the founders, just like the democrats.
Both are wrong. And dangerous. For us – it’s the Constitution. Every issue, every time. No exceptions, no excuses.

Michael Boldin
September 26, 2017 at 01:05PM

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