

Tenth Amendment Center: Happy belated (unconstitutional) Constitution Day!

...from Tenth Amendment Center

Happy (unconstitutional) Constitution Day a couple of days late.

I hope you are already diving into my How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America. His destruction of the Constitution seems appropriate during this sacred week. Hamilton lied and the Constitution died. Psst: Leave a review at Amazon.

The great Clyde Wilson wrote a nice review of the book today.

Of course, the Hamilton book isn’t my first rodeo discussing the Constitution. I wrote about the original document in my 2012 Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution, and I taught a class with Kevin Gutzman on the subject over at Learntruehistory.com.

Unfortunately, Americans have been led to believe that the Constitution for the United States is the only American constitution. This is unbelievably wrong.

There are currently 51 constitutions in the United States including the one that outlines the powers of the general government.

And let’s not forget the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution for the Confederate States of America. The Abbeville Institute ran a great article comparing the U.S. and C.S.A. Constitutions yesterday.

I thought I would take a different tack. Episode 112 of The Brion McClanahan Show focuses on the constitutions of the thirteen original states at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1788. What were they like and what do they say about American constitutionalism?

Understanding all of American constitutional history is more important that memorizing the Preamble as most school children were once required to do. I once had someone tell me they knew the Constitution because they could recite the Preamble. Government education.

You’ll get the bigger picture from me.

Brion McClanahan
September 20, 2017 at 09:39PM

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