

Tenth Amendment Center: Taking away rights because some people abuse them is dangerous

...from Tenth Amendment Center

This is today’s Tenther newsletter, which everyone in the nullification movement gets daily or weekly. Be one of them – and Become a member here to support the TAC.

More than three years before I started the TAC, on the day the Iraq war started in 2003, I sent out an email blast to about 20,000 people (a non-political list) opposing it.  I cited moral reasons and constitutional reasons.

A huge number of responses were angry about the email. Most of which complained about the timing. They said this kind of email “should wait.”

Some people even told me they agreed with the principles, but that “now is not the time, we need to stand behind our boys in uniform.”

In short, they told me that morals, principles, the constitution – anything, really – it all needs to go on hold when they see a crisis.

I disagree.

I believe that reminding people of principles is even more important in times of crisis or tragedy.  These are the times when people are filled with emotions like fear and anger – and it will often lead them to stand aside as hungry politicians eat up more power at their expense.

I’ve tried to run this organization in much the same way.

That’s why today, even in the face of the horrific and disgusting violence that happened in Las Vegas, I’d like to share with you a video I made a few months ago about the dangers of giving up rights because some people abuse them.

You may love what I stand for, you may hate what I stand for.  But I’ll never waver in my principles.

“Taking away rights because some people abuse them is dangerous.”

Michael Boldin
October 03, 2017 at 10:53AM

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