

Tenth Amendment Center: TV Interview: Taking on Big Brother at the Local Level

...from Tenth Amendment Center

If you’ve been following our Activism 101 Podcast, you know that I’ve been involved in local activism taking on the surveillance state in my hometown of Lexington, Ky. Well, my efforts have gotten me sued!

The good thing about getting sued is it creates a lot of media buzz – including spots on the local news.

My interview with the local CBS affiliate was particularly good. It gives a good overview of the surveillance issue in Lexington. The reporter hit all the major points, and my sound bites came out solid. The only negative was my TAC pin was crooked.


Local action is a powerful way to address the federal surveillance state. We need more people pushing their cities and counties like this!

Mike Maharrey
October 26, 2017 at 10:51AM

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