Tenth Amendment Center: Another Example of Political Grandstanding: The Resolution Against Military Action in Yemen
...from Tenth Amendment Center

Michael Boldin
November 14, 2017 at 02:14PM
On Monday, the Federal House passed a resolution saying that nearly 3 years worth of US military involvement in the civil war in Yemen was not authorized.
While some people are saying this is a positive first step against this kind of unconstitutional war, I call it what it is, a cop-out.
Another example of grandstanding in #congress rather than doing the right thing: The House's non-binding resolution saying #military action in #yemen was not authorized. #tlot #war #Politics #fail #Constitution #10thAmendment @Antiwarcom @mmaharrey10th @scotthortonshow pic.twitter.com/GkPDRiJIZP
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) November 14, 2017
Michael Boldin
November 14, 2017 at 02:14PM