

Tenth Amendment Center: Tenther Tuesday Episode 27: Asset Forfeiture, Health Freedom, Monetary Competition

...from Tenth Amendment Center

Today is the 397th day that the GOP has failed to repeal Obamacare. But several states are taking steps to withdraw from a federal asset forfeiture program recently promoted by Jeff Sessions that police use to circumvent more stringent state forfeiture laws. In this episode of Tenther Tuesday, Michael Boldin and Michael Maharrey talk about asset forfeiture bills moving forward in three states. They also talk about legislation that helps expand healthcare freedom and an effort in Wyoming to increase currency competition by exempting cryptocurrency from property taxes.



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Rhode Island asset forfeiture

Washington state asset forfeiture

Virginia asset forfeiture 

South Carolina direct primary care

Idaho direct primary care expansion

Wyoming cryptocurrency taxes

Mike Maharrey
February 20, 2018 at 01:32PM

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