

Tenth Amendment Center: Tenther Tuesday Episode 28: Sound Money, Health Freedom and Drone Surveillance

...from Tenth Amendment Center

Today is the 404th day that the GOP has failed to repeal Obamacare, but states are continuing to make moves against unconstitutional federal control. In this episode of Tenther Tuesday, Michael Boldin and Michael Maharrey talk about a bill that went to the Alabama governor’s desk this week. If she signs it into law, it will encourage the use of gold a silver, and take an important step toward breaking the Fed’s monopoly on money. They also talk about several other sound money bills moving forward in other states, along with legislation to promote food and health freedom and limit government surveillance.



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Alabama gold and silver

Wyoming Gold and Silver 

Minnesota gold and silver

Utah Raw Milk

Iowa Direct Primary Care

Wisconsin Direct Primary Care

Kentucky Drones

State of the Nullification Movement Report

Mike Maharrey
February 27, 2018 at 01:04PM

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