Tenth Amendment Center: Illinois Action Alert: Help Stop Local Police Militarization
Illinois HB4286, introduced by Rep. Will Guzzardi, would prohibit police from procuring certain types of military equipment from military surplus programs.
Through the federal 1033 program, local police departments procure military-grade weapons including automatic rifles and armored vehicles. This bill would ban some equipment and prohibit state and local law enforcement agencies from using federal funds to purchase what is allowable. Read more about the legislation HERE.
Making it more difficult for local police to acquire military gear cuts some of the ties between state and local law enforcement. Without state resources, the feds find it nearly impossible to operate. Passage of HB4286 would take the first step toward limiting police militarization and increase transparency by stopping the SECRET purchase of military equipment.
The State Government Administration Committee failed to act on this legislation by the deadline and it was re-referred to the Rules Committee. There is still a chance to get the bill to the House floor if the Rules Committee votes to move it out.
PLEASE TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS to support this important bill.
1.Call the House Rules Committee Chair, Barbara Flynn Currie. Strongly urge her to vote YES on HB4286. A phone call has 10x the impact of an email.
Al Riley (D) 217-558 1007
2. Call the rest of the committee. Strongly, but respectfully, urge each of them to vote YES on HB4286 and move the bill forward.
Dan Brady (R) – (217) 782-1118
Lou Lang (D) – (217) 782-1252
Tom Demmer (R) – (217) 782-0535
Arthur Turner (D) – (217) 782-8116
3. Call Back- any NO or UNDECIDED –in 2 to 3 days. Make sure to follow up with them. Thank them if they say YES, and announce on social media. If they say no, politely ask them why.
4. Spread the Word. Share this information widely by facebook, twitter, email and other social networks.
5. Report Back. Tell us how your actions went. Click the button below.

Mike Maharrey
April 23, 2018 at 08:37AM