Tenth Amendment Center: Tenther Tuesday Episode 43: Stalker State

Today is the 642nd day that the GOP has failed to repeal Obamacare, or gun control, or end mass, warrantless surveillance…
But the feds haven’t failed to stop spying on you. It’s not just the NSA. From stingrays/cell site simulators, to license plate readers, drones and facial recognition, governments at every level are ramping up their surveillance – of everyone. On this episode of Tenther Tuesday, Michael Boldin and Mike Maharrey discuss some of the many – many – ways that government tracks and stalks you.
ALTERNATE SOURCES (links updated after processing):
Butchering the Fourth Amendment
Mass Surveillance Technologies
Street Level Surveillance: A Guide to Law Enforcement Spying Technologies
Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Partnering to Create Massive Facial Recognition System
How Federal Surveillance and “Parallel Construction” Undermine the Rule of Law
Massachusetts State Police Tweet Inadvertently Reveals Surveillance
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Mike Maharrey
October 23, 2018 at 01:59PM