
Showing posts from July, 2020



Tenth Amendment Center: DHS Worried Widespread Mask Use Will Thwart Government Facial Recognition

...from Tenth Amendment Center There has been a lot of controversy over masks, but no matter what you think about the efficacy of face coverings in preventing the spread of COVID-19, there is one advantage to masking up. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed concern that widespread use of masks will thwart facial recognition. A DHS “ intelligence note ” dated May 22 came to light in the BlueLeaks trove of law enforcement documents . The DHS Intelligence Enterprise Counterterrorism Mission Center in conjunction with a variety of other agencies, including Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement drafted the note. It “examines the potential impacts that widespread use of protective masks could have on security operations that incorporate face recognition systems — such as video cameras, image processing hardware and software, and image recognition algorithms — to monitor public spaces during the ongoing Covid-19 public health emergen...

Tenth Amendment Center: One Good Reason to Wear a Mask

...from Tenth Amendment Center I’ve got one really good reason to wear a mask. I've got a really good reason to wear a mask. @DHSgov is worried that widespread masking will thwart #facialrecognition #surveillance . @mmaharrey10th — TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) July 29, 2020 The biggest, most powerful government in the world wants to know where you are and what you’re doing at all times. I can get behind anything that will hinder that. For Further Reading DHS Worried Widespread Mask Use Will Thwart Government Facial Recognition Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement Partnering to Create Massive Facial Recognition System Don’t Rely on Congress to Stop Facial Recognition Surveillance Mike Maharrey July 31, 2020 at 02:33PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Samuel Adams: American Independence

...from Tenth Amendment Center On Aug 1, 1776 – Samuel Adams, the “Father of the American Revolution,” gave a famous speech on the steps of the State House in Philadelphia in support of the Declaration of Independence, which was signed the following day. Path to Liberty, Fast Friday Edition: July 31, 2020 Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify | Podbean | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS SHOW LINKS: JOIN TAC Show Archives Subscribe and Review on iTunes State of the Nullification Movement Report American Independence: Speech by Samuel Adams (1 Aug 1776) ALTERNATE VIDEO SOURCES Watch on LBRY Watch on Brighteon Watch on BitTube Watch on Bitchute Watch on Watch on Periscope Watch on Facebook Watch on DLive Watch on IGTV FOLLOW and SUPPORT TAC: Become a Member: Email Newsletter: RSS: Brave: Use Brave Browser for Privacy and Help Support TAC ...

Tenth Amendment Center: Palladium of Liberty: The Right of Trial by Jury

...from Tenth Amendment Center One of the best things that our American ancestors did was to include the right of trial by jury in the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment states in part: “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed.” Notice something important about this particular provision: It reflects that 0ur American ancestors were convinced that the federal government would deprive them of this right if they didn’t expressly protect it in the Bill of Rights. In other words, in the absence of an express provision guaranteeing this important procedural right, the federal government would run criminal trials like it does in Cuba—by kangaroo military tribunal—or where federal judges, many of whom today are former federal prosecutors, would be determining the guilt of the accused. Thus, it is clear that while our American ancestors approved the ...

Tenth Amendment Center: Trump Is No Friend of the Second Amendment

...from Tenth Amendment Center During the 2016 election cycle, I was told over and over again I needed to vote for Donald Trump to “protect the Second Amendment.” It hasn’t quite turned out that way. Objectively speaking, Trump has been worse on the Second Amendment than Barack Obama. #Neverforget : All federal gun control is unconstitutional. @mmaharrey10th — TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) July 24, 2020 For Further Reading The 2nd is not in Force: An Overview of Federal Gun Control Already on the Books Supreme Court Lets Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Stand There is No “But” in “Shall Not Be Infringed” Financial Writer Gets F as Second Amendment Expert What Does the Militia Act of 1792 Tell Us About the Second Amendment? Mike Maharrey July 30, 2020 at 12:47PM

Tenth Amendment Center: Obama the Immigrant Deporter vs. Trump the Gun-Grabber

...from Tenth Amendment Center One of the strangest aspects of the increasing imperialism of the U.S. executive branch is the profound disconnect between rhetoric and actual public policy. If asked, the average American would associate Trump with deporting illegal immigrants and Obama with federal gun enforcement efforts. Yet statistics show the precise opposite. Tenth Amendment Center Communications Director Mike Maharrey recently reported that since Trump’s election in 2016, ATF has increased the numbers of federal gun control cases it has pursued for three straight years. Last year, it recommended 11,319 cases for prosecution compared to just 7,577 in 2014. The number of indictments for federal gun control violations and subsequent convictions has also increased since the Obama years. Last year also represented the greatest level of federal gun control enforcement in history. It is important to remember that Trump was backed by the NRA and draws his support from gun owners, s...

Tenth Amendment Center: Law Professors Miss the Constitutional Forest for the Legal Trees

...from Tenth Amendment Center I ran across an article by three law professors published by The Atlantic that serves as another reminder that we should never listen to law professors talking about the Constitution. The article is headlined, The Separation of Church and State Is Breaking Down Under Trump .  The chief complaint brought by our trio of intrepid law professors is that “religious groups are getting special treatment from the government’s pandemic-relief efforts.” In a nutshell, churches and religious organizations received a special exemption from the Small Business Administration that allowed them to tap into federal funds through the CARES Act Payment Protection Program that similar-sized non-religious organizations didn’t qualify for. As the article summed it up, “The SBA’s implementation of the program thus privileges nationally affiliated religious organizations over their nonreligious counterparts.” According to our legal scholars, the SBA rules treated Plan...

Tenth Amendment Center: Easthampton Massachusetts Bans Facial Recognition

...from Tenth Amendment Center EASTHAMPTON , Mass. (July 29, 2020) – Earlier this month, Easthampton became the seventh Massachusetts city to ban facial recognition technology. The growing movement to prohibit the use of facial recognition at the state and local levels could hinder the operation of a growing national facial recognition network. District 2 Councilor Homar Gomez sponsored the ordinance. The new law prohibits the city, or any city official, from obtaining, retaining, accessing or using any facial surveillance system or any information gathered from such systems, The ordinance does allow “using evidence from a law enforcement agency outside Easthampton that may have been generated from a face surveillance system for the purposes of the investigation of a specific crime.” On July 1, the city council unanimously passed the ordinance. With the new ordinance, Easthampton joined six other Massachusetts cities in banning facial recognition technology – Somerville ,  No...

Tenth Amendment Center: My Lawsuit Is Over; Here’s the Surveillance Tech the Lexington Police Department Is Hiding

...from Tenth Amendment Center After over two-and-a-half years of legal wrangling,  the lawsuit filed against me  by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government is over and I am going to reveal what I know about the Lexington Police Department’s super-secret cameras. After several months of consideration, I have decided not to continue fighting LFUCG in court. This experience has reiterated what I’ve been saying for years – we can’t trust government agencies to acquire and operate invasive surveillance technology without oversight and transparency. They hide it for a reason. They lie about it for a reason. As Patrick Henry warned: “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. The most iniquitous plots may be carried on against their liberty and happiness.” In April, Fayette Circuit Court Judge Lucy VanMeter  ruled  that the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government could w...

Tenth Amendment Center: Federal Gun Control: 3 of the Worst Excuses for the Most in History

...from Tenth Amendment Center In response to hearing that records are being smashed for the most federal gun control enforcement in history, partisan hacks make excuses to justify it. Learn about some of the worst of the worst. Path to Liberty: July 29, 2020 Subscribe: iTunes | Spotify | Podbean | Google Play | Stitcher | RSS SHOW LINKS: JOIN TAC Show Archives Subscribe and Review on iTunes State of the Nullification Movement Report Worst in History: Smashing Federal Gun Control Records The Federal Gun Laws Trump Is Proud to Enforce Jefferson’s Fair Copy Samuel Adams Loyalty and Sedition (pdf) ALTERNATE VIDEO SOURCES Watch on LBRY Watch on Brighteon Watch on BitTube Watch on Bitchute Watch on Watch on Periscope Watch on Facebook Watch on DLive FOLLOW and SUPPORT TAC: Become a Member: Email Newsletter: RSS: Brave: Use B...

Tenth Amendment Center: You Don’t Mean What You’re Saying About Surveillance

...from Tenth Amendment Center I think a lot of times people simply parrot things they don’t actually mean because they haven’t really thought it through. This is especially true when it comes to mass, warrantless government surveillance. When government has power, it's eventually going to be turned against you. @mmaharrey10th #surveillance #truth #liberty — TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) July 22, 2020 People don’t really mean, “I have no expectation of privacy.” They really mean, “I don’t think the government will ever spy on me.” This is naive at best. For Further Reading ICE Facial Recognition Reveals Interplay Between Federal, State, Local and Private Surveillance Coronavirus is Just the Latest Excuse to Expand the Surveillance State Surveillance Is the Tool of Tyrants Task Force Floats Health Surveillance System Stalker State: Patriot Act, Trace Act, and More Surveillance     Mike Maharrey July 28, 2020 at 10:4...

Tenth Amendment Center: Washington D.C. Ordinance Limits Federal Militarization of Local Police

...from Tenth Amendment Center WASHINGTON (July 28, 2020) – Last week, Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser signed an ordinance that bans the D.C. police department from acquiring certain military-grade equipment from the federal government. Titled the “Comprehensive Policing and Justice Reform Second Emergency Amendment Act of 2020” the ordinance makes multiple reforms and changes to Washington D.C. Police Department policy. Among the reforms, the new law bans the D.C.P.D. from acquiring any of the following equipment from “any program operated by the federal government.” (1) Ammunition of .50 caliber or higher; (2) Armed or armored aircraft or vehicles; (3) Bayonets; (4) Explosives or pyrotechnics, including grenades; (5) Firearm mufflers or silencers; (6) Firearms of .50 caliber or higher; (7) Firearms, firearm accessories, or other objects, designed or capable of launching explosives or pyrotechnics, including grenade launchers; and (8) Remotely piloted, powered aircra...

Tenth Amendment Center: The Federal Gun Laws Trump Is Proud to Enforce

...from Tenth Amendment Center In a recent report , Mike Maharrey demonstrated the anti-gun inclination of President Donald Trump, even revealing that Trump himself has bragged about a more than 20 percent increase in federal gun control enforcement on his watch. But what exactly has Trump put people in prison for? If all of these prosecutions were gun homicides, what issue would many have with this, after all? To no surprise at all, that is not the grounds on which Trump’s ATF prosecuted people.  From the ATF itself, in 2019, Trump’s ATF prosecuted people for the following most frequent “violations”: Failure to obtain a completed ATF F 4473 Failure to maintain an accurate/complete/timely Acquisition and Disposition (A&D) record Failure to complete forms as indicated in instructions Failure to record NICS contact information on ATF F 4473 Failure by transfer to sign and/or date ATF F 4473 Failure to verify or record purchaser’s identification document on ATF F 4...