Tenth Amendment Center: You Don’t Mean What You’re Saying About Surveillance

I think a lot of times people simply parrot things they don’t actually mean because they haven’t really thought it through. This is especially true when it comes to mass, warrantless government surveillance.
When government has power, it's eventually going to be turned against you. @mmaharrey10th#surveillance #truth #liberty pic.twitter.com/Uvs0Ip0vH2
— TenthAmendmentCenter (@TenthAmendment) July 22, 2020
People don’t really mean, “I have no expectation of privacy.” They really mean, “I don’t think the government will ever spy on me.” This is naive at best.
For Further Reading
ICE Facial Recognition Reveals Interplay Between Federal, State, Local and Private Surveillance
Coronavirus is Just the Latest Excuse to Expand the Surveillance State
Surveillance Is the Tool of Tyrants
Task Force Floats Health Surveillance System
Stalker State: Patriot Act, Trace Act, and More Surveillance
Mike Maharrey
July 28, 2020 at 10:47AM