

Tenth Amendment Center: Natural Rights: Liberty Doesn’t Need a Government Permission Slip

...from Tenth Amendment Center

Even though many people credit Thomas Jefferson for the natural rights principles in the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson himself pointed out that he didn’t invent those ideas. Instead, he wrote, he had adopted the “harmonizing sentiments of the day,” views which were widely accepted and understood. From 1764 to 1776, Americans produced a rich series of pamphlets, resolutions and speeches which he based those principles on.

Path to Liberty: December 14, 2020


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Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee (8 May 1825)

What A Little-Known Colonial Pamphlet Tells Us About the Constitution

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Samuel Adams – The Rights of the Colonists (20 Nov 1772)

Fairfax Resolves – (18 July 1774)

Virginia Declaration of Rights

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The post Natural Rights: Liberty Doesn't Need a Government Permission Slip first appeared on Tenth Amendment Center Blog.

Michael Boldin
December 14, 2020 at 12:37PM

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